Astro toolbox

Astro Toolbox command line


astro-toolbox [options1] <command> <argument> [options2]

Options 1

-v, –verbose Program verbosity



This command launch the Graphical User Interface (GUI) which allow you to use the functions available in command lines in a more intuitive interface.

It doesn’t require any argument or option.


This command allows you to plot airmass map of one or multiple objects.


You can enter one or many objects or a path to a file or a directory. If you left it blank, it will search on your current directory a file named observations.lst

You must end the name to a directory with a /


astro-toolbox airmass examples/

astro-toolbox airmass examples/examples.lst

astro-toolbox airmass betelgeuse vega


-d, –date Option to inform a different date -d 2022-12-18, default is None (today date).

-l, –location Option to inform a location name -l Greenwich, default is None (last location used).

-o, –output Option to inform the output directory (must end with a /) -o examples/, default is ‘’ (current directory).

–bounds Option which requires two hours arguments consider this program calculates everything in UT --bounds 19 33 mean we begin calculations at 7pm and end these at 9am the next day.


This command allows you to query Simbad (for stars and deep sky objects) or JPL Horizons for solar system objects.


Enter the object name as argument


-d, –date Option to inform a different date -d 2022-12-18, default is None (today date).

-l, –location Option to inform a location name -l Greenwich, default is None (last location used).


This command allows you to add, update or read a location.


Enter the location name, list allow you to display all locations saved.


-a, –add Option to add a new location (if it doesn’t exists). It will ask you longitude, latitude in degrees (0.0) or DMS (0°0’0”) and elevation in meters.

-d, –delete Option to delete a location (if it exists).

-u, –update Option to update an existing location it will ask the same thing as adding option but left blank the data, you don’t want to change.


This command allows you to display the polaris position (northern and southern hemisphere) in a polar finder. This command doesn’t need any argument.


-d, –datetime Option to inform a different date and time -d 2022-12-18:20:35:55, default is None (today date).

-l, –location Option to inform a location name -l Greenwich, default is None (last location used).


This command allows you to display forecasts of a given location. This command doesn't need any argument.


-l, --location Option to inform a location name -l Greenwich, default is None (last location used).

-d, --days Counter to inform the number of days to display, default is 1.

-p, --past Counter to inform the number of past days to display, default is 0.